Chocolate Cabbage Cake

Chocolate Cabbage Cake

Chocolate Cabbage Cake

Had some fun making this cake. My cousin, Ali Levar Jindra was having her baby shower. I thought this cake would be a nice contribution. I start by making a round cake. I use 2 stainless steel bowls that are the same size. Bake them and then after they are cooled I frost them together into a round cake. Chocolate cake and chocolate frosting.  The fun starts when I paint large, clean cabbage leaves with melted chocolate. I put the leaves in the fridge to set the chocolate faster. After they are cooled I carefully peel off and discard the leaves. what I am left with are chocolate “leaves” that a press all around the cake until it is covered. Make a few extra leaves to decorate the plate and to allow for breakage. Also keep extra frosting on hand to use to affix the leaves.








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