Homemade Graham Crackers

Homemade Graham Crackers

Homemade Graham Crackers

This whole project of making graham crackers started with an innocent conversation with a friend. I had made marshmallows. It was winter and we enjoyed them in hot cocoa. Homemade marshmallows are so much better than store bought, and are pretty easy to make. My friend was talking about what wonderful S’mores they would make. I said something about if I was going to make marshmallows I could make graham crackers, too. We decided to make them some time in this summer. So here we are. I wanted to make something special for a friend’s birthday and she loves S’mores. Seemed like the right time.

I had made graham crackers before, but it had been years. They weren’t all that hard to make. Rolling them to the right thickness was the hardest part. You want them pretty thin, but not too thin. I think my first batch was too thin. It got easier as I went along.  They taste really good and are not as sweet as grahams crackers you get at the store. If you like a sweeter cracker, add a little more sugar. I like them the way they are.  Here is the recipe. The link to the marshmallow recipe is at the bottom of the post. Now I just have to get chocolate and we are good to go.

Graham Crackers

1 c. whole wheat flour or whole wheat pastry flour
1 c. all-purpose flour
1/3 c. sugar
½ t. salt
1 t. cinnamon
1 t. baking powder
1 large egg
¼ c. oil
¼ c. honey
2 to 3 tablespoons milk
additional milk for glaze
cinnamon-sugar (optional)
In a mixing bowl, combine whole wheat flour, all-purpose flour, sugar, salt, cinnamon and baking powder. In a separate bowl, beat egg till light, add oil, honey and 2 tablespoons milk. Stir into dry ingredients until you have a fairly stiff dough, adding additional milk if necessary. Wrap dough in waxed paper and chill until firm, about 1 hour (or longer, if it’s more convenient).

Turn the dough onto a floured surface and knead gently until it holds together. Roll dough out till it’s about 1/16-inch thick; make sure rolling surface is well-floured, or you’ll have trouble transferring crackers to baking sheet. Preheat your oven to 350°F.

Cut dough into 3-inch squares, prick each square several times with a fork, and place on lightly greased cookie sheets. Brush the tops with milk, sprinkle with cinnamon-sugar if you’re so inclined, and bake for 12-15 minutes, or until crackers are lightly browned. Remove crackers from oven, transfer to a wire cooling rack, and cool completely. Makes about 2 dozen graham crackers.



As promised here is the recipe for making marshmallows. I’ve used this recipe for ages and what I like about it is that it is super easy and still gives you yummy marshmallows. I’ve seen more complicated versions- but why make life harder than it already is? The recipe calls for packets of gelatin. If you want to use sheet gelatin instead, which I did, the adjustments are in the directions. Ether works fine.



1/2 c. cornstarch

1/2 c. powdered sugar

small amount of butter

2 envelopes unflavored gelatin, or 6 sheets of gelatin*

1/2 c. granulated sugar

1/3 c. water

2/3 c. corn syrup

1/2 t. vanilla

Combine cornstarch and powdered sugar in a small bowl. Butter an 8x8x2 inch-baking pan. Sprinkle with some of the cornstarch mixture. Reserve the rest of the mixture for use later on. Combine the gelatin, granulated sugar and water in a small saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring constantly until gelatin is dissolved.** Pour gelatin mixture into a large bowl, adding the corn syrup and vanilla. Beat with an electric mixer on high speed for 15 minutes. Be precise on the timing. The mixture will be thick and fluffy, marshmallow cream, actually. Pour mixture into the prepared pan, spread evenly and refrigerate overnight. The next day, sift some of the reserved cornstarch mixture over the marshmallows. Sprinkle some more of the coating mixture on a work surface and turn the marshmallow out onto the prepared surface. Cut the marshmallows into 1-inch squares, coating as you go. The marshmallows are very sticky until completely coated. Allow to dry on a rack. Store in an airtight container for up to 3 weeks. Makes about 4 dozen candies.

You can swap out flavorings- using maybe mint or lemon in place of the vanilla. You can also add a few drops of food coloring, if you like. Oh, and when you are at the rolling the pieces around in the cornstarch and powdered sugar stage of the process- don’t wear black. You’ll thank me later for that.

* Note: 3 sheets of sheet gelatin= one packet (1 tablespoon) of powdered gelatin.

** Note: If you are using sheet gelatin place it in the pan with COLD water and stir until dissolved. Then add the sugar and just cook, over medium-low heat until just warm, stirring often. Don’t let the mixture get too hot or the gelatin will not work.

Dissolve gelatin in water

Cook with water and sugar until warm



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