Gardening Class Series
Starting this Thursday I will be teaching a series of gardening classes in Mentor. All classes will include a lot of information and handouts to take home with you. If the Winter blues are getting to you- come to a gardening class and think Spring!!
Mentor classes are held at Wildwood Center at 7645 Little Mountain Road. You can register online at or by phone at 440 974 5720 from Cleveland call 440 942 8796.
Vegetable Gardening –
In this class you will learn the basics of starting a vegetable garden. Among the topics discussed will be site selection, planning, soil preparation and improvement, recommended varieties, mulching and space saving techniques. Handouts included.
#34750 March 5 Thursday 7-9 p.m.
Container Gardening –
You don’t have to have a yard to garden. More and more people are turning to container gardening when space or time are limited. We’ll discuss soil mixes, container types and sizes and which plants will do best for you. We will also cover how to water and fertilize for optimum growth. Handouts included.
#34751 March 12 Thursday 7-9 p.m.
Organic Gardening –
If you are among the growing number of people who want fresh vegetables and fruits grown without pesticides check out this class. You’ll learn about organic controls from physical barriers to Eco-friendly sprays. Topics discussed will include integrated pest management, resistant cultivars and how timing of planting can help control pests. Handouts included.
#34752 March 19 Thursday 7-9 p.m.
Composting –
Leaves, grass clippings and some kitchen waste can be converted into “black gold” through composting. In class we’ll cover the basics of starting and maintaining a compost pile, the role carbon and nitrogen play and composting no-nos. Composting saves money, improves your garden soil and helps the environment, too. Handouts included.
#34753 March 26 Thursday 7-9 p.m.
Resident: $14 / Nonresident: $17