grilled recipe

Grilled Quesadillas

Grilled Quesadillas

We’ve been cooking out more and decided to cook quesadillas on the grill the other night. They were super easy and fast to cook. The nice thing is that you can fill them with almost anything. We started with flour tortillas and shredded cheese. After that we used what we had on hand. You can set out ingredients and let everyone make their own. Just place some cheese on one half of a tortilla. Top with some other fillings and then a little more cheese. Fold the tortilla over to cover the fillings and press down. If the tortillas are not staying closed you can use a toothpick to secure them. The melting cheese will help the tortillas to stay closed once cooked. You can make them without cheese. Brush the quesadillas with a little oil and grill until both sides are browned and the fillings have heated through. Depending on the heat of the grill this will take from 5-7 minutes per side- maybe less. You can brush them with extra oil once they are on the grill to make them ever crisper.

Some filling ideas: various cooked meats- we had bacon, pulled pork, corned beef and chicken, cooked and raw veggies- sweet peppers could be raw or sweet onion- we had cooking onions so I sauteed them in oil first, sliced olives, beans-kidney and black beans, diced tomatoes, sliced hot peppers, mushrooms- best if cooked first to get out some of the water in them, cooked spinach,  summer squash, sliced. You get the idea here. See what you have and set out the fillings. Let guests make their own combinations. Serve them with salsa on the side. We also served our with guacamole and sour cream.

Place fillings on one half of the tortilla
Grill until toasted on both sides

Corned Beef and Spinach Quesadilla

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