Pineapple Jelly

I had a bottle of pineapple juice that I bought for some reason, then never used. I decided to do something with it. I looked around and found a few recipes for making jelly from the juice. That seemed like a great idea, so that is what I did. I was very happy with how it came out. From a 64 ounce bottle I got 2 batches of jelly and ended up with 13 jars in total. I got just over 6 jars in one batch. So here is how I made it. I think it will make nice gifts for the holidays.
Pineapple Jelly
4 c. pineapple juice
½ c. lemon juice
1 (1.75 oz.) box powdered pectin- or 6 Tablespoons pectin
5 c. sugar
Start water simmering in water bath canner. Water should be deep enough to cover jars with at least an inch or two of water. Wash 6 jelly jars and lids. Fill jars with hot water, set aside. Place lids in hot water and set aside. In large pot combine the juices and pectin. Stir until combined and bring to a boil over high heat. Once mixture reaches a boil that cannot be stirred down, boil 1 minute. Add the sugar, stir in and return to the boil. Once the jelly starts boiling hard, boil for a minute longer. Remove from heat and skim off any foam. Drain the jars of the warm water. Ladle hot jelly into jars, leaving ½-inch headspace. Wipe rims with a damp paper towel and screw on the lids. Lids should be fingertip tight. Repeat with remaining jars and lids. Place jars in the canner. Cover the pot and when the water returns to the boil, start timing. Process for 10 minutes. Turn off heat and leave jars in the canner 5-10 minutes more. Remove jars to a draft free counter on a towel or cooling rack and allow to cool down. Check the lids the next day. Makes about 6 jars.