Pretty Pops

This easy to make treat is a sort of candy coated popcorn. We made some in cooking camps last week and the kids really enjoyed making it- and eating it.
The color and flavor source comes from boxes of flavored gelatin – Jell-o. Of course you can use what ever brand you like. The gelatin is melted together with a little butter and a little honey. Then popped popcorn is tossed with the mixture. Once it cools it be comes a candy coating.
Here is the recipe. Enjoy!
Pretty Pops
2 quarts popped popcorn
1/4 c. butter
2 t. honey
1 package (4 serving size) flavored gelatin, any flavor
Place popcorn in large bowl. Combine remaining ingredients in small saucepan and heat until margarine is melted. Stir until smooth and pour over popcorn, tossing to coat. Cool.
Note: you can make several batches of different flavors and then combine cooled popcorn for a colorful snack, party favor or gift.