Peanut Butter Coconut Shortbread – Vegan

Peanut Butter Coconut Shortbread

I made these for my goddaughter. She is vegan. The original recipe for the shortbread was her great grandmother’s. It is a great recipe, but not vegan. I tweaked it a little.

The original recipe called for a pound of butter. I swapped out the butter with a cup each of peanut butter and coconut oil. It worked out great.

The cookies had that same wonderful crumbly texture and rich flavor you expect in a good shortbread cookie. I used crunchy peanut butter- it was what I had. I like the bits of peanuts in the cookies. I could see adding a few more chopped peanuts the next time I make these cookies.

You could also use other nut butters, like almond or cashew, if that is what you have.

Peanut Butter-Coconut Shortbread

1 c. sugar, plus 1/4 cup extra for sprinkling

1 c. peanut butter

1 c. coconut oil

4 c. flour

2 t. vanilla

Cream together sugar, peanut butter, coconut oil and vanilla. Stir in flour until mixture forms into a dough. Press into 9×13-inch baking dish. Sprinkle extra sugar over the cookies dough, and cut into squares. Bake in a 300 degree oven for an hour or until light brown around edges. Re-cut while warm. Makes 4 dozen. They can be frozen.

Cranberry Nut Cookies

Cranberry Nut Cookies

I got this recipe from a friend’s cousin. I made them for years then sort of forgot about them. Came across the recipe again and decided to make them again. Wow, they really are good. Not the prettiest cookie out there, but so soft and tender and tasty.

The original recipe calls for a cup of butter and a cup of shortening. I used straight butter, but chilled the dough Either variation works, just your preference. What can I say? I prefer butter.

The recipe also calls for dried sweetened cranberries, not fresh berries.

So here is the recipe. It makes a big pile of cookies. You can freeze the dough or even the baked cookies if it is too much for you.


Craisin Nut Cookies

1 c. shortening or butter, See note:

1 c. butter

1 1/2 c. sugar

1 1/2 c. brown sugar

3 eggs

1 T. grated orange peel

5 c. flour

1 1/2 t. each baking soda and salt

2 c. chopped nuts

1 (6 oz.) package craisins (sweetened dried cranberries)

Cream together first 6 ingredients and blend until smooth. Combine flour with soda and salt and add to sugar mixture. Stir in nuts and craisins. Drop walnut sized balls on an ungreased cookie sheet about 2-inches apart. Bake in a preheated 350-degree oven for about 8-10 minutes or until golden brown. Makes about 7 dozen.

Note: If using all butter, chill the dough for at least a few hours before baking,

Sugar Cookies with Non-Royal Icing

Sugar Cookie Trees

These cut-out cookies are a classic, and always part of my holiday cookie baking. I will confess to having an enormous assortment of cookie cutters, so there is almost no end to the shapes I might use.  This time of year I am making trees, stars, snowmen and more.

These cookies are crisp and sturdy enough to stand up to frosting, without being too hard. They also hold their shape well when baking.

I normally use royal icing to frost them, and an assortment of sprinkles and other candies. Royal icing is made with egg whites or  powdered egg whites. The advantage over a butter cream, is that royal icing hardens, making the cookies easy to pack and stack. You don’t need much- just a thin layer. Tinting the frosting different colors is a big part of the fun. Depending on how much time you have, you can get really creative with decorating.

I tried a different frosting last year. Several friends had said they didn’t have, or couldn’t find, powdered egg whites and wondered if there was an alternative. There is. This one has just a few easy to find ingredients, and hardens up as nicely as royal icing, with a bit of a shine. The recipes for both icings follow the recipe for the cookies.

Sugar Cookies

1 c. butter
1 c. sugar
1 egg
1 t. vanilla
3 c. flour
2 t. baking powder
3 T. milk
Extra sugar for sprinkling, if desired
Beat butter and sugar until fluffy. Beat in egg and vanilla. Combine dry ingredients and add to butter mixture. Beat in milk. Heat oven to 375-degrees. Roll dough on lightly floured surface to about 1/3- inch thickness. Cut out with lightly floured cutters and sprinkle with sugar or colored sugar if you like and if you are not going to frost them. Bake on an ungreased baking sheet for 10-12 minutes. Cool on baking sheet 3 minutes before placing on wire rack to cool completely. Frost when cooled. Makes about 4 dozen.
Decorating your cookies:
You can use a buttercream frosting, if you like,  however the topping I prefer is royal icing. Because royal icing contains egg whites it gets hard. Cookies have a smooth appearance and can be stacked. When making royal icing, use pasteurized egg whites or powdered egg whites. Raw egg whites pose a risk of salmonella.
You can also use colored sugar and sprinkles and mini chocolate chips for eyes.

Non-Royal Icing

4 c. powdered sugar 3 T. corn syrup 2 t. vanilla extract 1/3 c. lemon juice- about

Combine the first three ingredients then add the lemon juice, a little at a time until the icing gets to the consistency you want. You might need a little more. Stir until smooth and add food colorings, if you like. Spread or pipe out, allowing to dry before adding new layers of icing.

Royal Icing

1 lb. powdered sugar
½ t. cream of tartar
5¼ t. egg white powder
6 T. water
½ t. vanilla, optional
Assorted food coloring
In large mixing bowl combine dry ingredients and mix well. Add water and vanilla and beat until light and fluffy, about 10 minutes. Divide into small bowls and tint each batch as needed. Keep bowl covered with a damp towel while waiting to use so frosting will not dry out.

Keith’s Molasses Cookies

Molasses Cookies

I really enjoy cookies made with molasses and spices. They have a unique flavor and texture that I like. A friend recently posted pictures of these molasses cookies. I wanted to try them, so I asked him for the recipe. Keith was kind enough to send me the recipe. Thanks Keith!!!

I made a batch yesterday. I can see why Keith says these are a family favorite. They are crispy on the edges, with just a touch of chewiness in the middle. The spices are a perfect balance. They remind me of the gingersnaps I make at the holidays, but with a more tender texture. I LOVE these cookies. I shared them with some friends yesterday and everyone agreed with just how good they are.

I am not sure where the recipe came from originally. Keith said the recipe came from a jar of molasses a long time ago. He has memories of making these with his grandmother.

One difference I found was that I got a lot more cookies from the recipe than I thought I would. The recipe said 5-6 dozen, based on cookies made from 1-inch balls of dough. I suspect Keith’s balls were bigger than mine. I ended up with more like 8 dozen!

With dark cookie dough, people are often worried about how to tell when their cookies are done baking. These are also a soft cookie out of the oven, so you might be worried they aren’t baked long enough. They firm up as they cool. I did 8 minutes on all but one of the batches, and they were perfect. I did a 10 minute batch, just to compare. They were also fine, if a bit darker on the bottom and crisper. If you are concerned, take one cookie off the baking sheet and flip it over. It should be a little darker than the top of the cookie. Don’t worry if they are soft when you try to take them off the baking sheet. They firm up nicely after cooling down. If it is too hard to move them right away, you can leave them on the baking sheet for a minute, before removing them.

So here is the recipe. Enjoy!!

Keith’s Molasses Cookies

1½ c. butter (3 sticks)

2 c. sugar

½ c. dark molasses

2 eggs

4 t. baking soda

4 c. sifted flour

1 t. ground cloves

1 t. powdered ginger – I used fresh grated ginger instead, adding 2 teaspoons to the dough

2 t. cinnamon

2 t. salt

Extra sugar for rolling

Melt butter. Set aside to cool. Beat sugar, eggs and molasses together until well mixed. Add cooled butter. Mix well. Sift dry ingredients together and stir into butter mixture. Dough will be on the soft side. Refrigerate dough for at least a few hours, or overnight. Preheat oven to 375. Grease baking sheets and set aside, or use silicone liners. Roll dough into approximately 1″ balls. Roll balls in granulated sugar. Place 2 inches apart on prepared baking sheets. Bake at 375 for 8-10 minutes. Re-grease sheets after each use.

Cool on flat surface covered with wax paper. I actually used a cooling rack. Cookies are very soft, but firm up a lot as they cool. Transfer carefully or allow to cool a few minutes on the baking sheet before removing. Makes approximately 5 to 6 dozen cookies.

Note: I got more like 8 or 9 dozen, but I think my balls were smaller.

If you like a softer cookie, remove at the 8 minute mark. 10 minutes will give you a crisper cookie. 

Molasses cookies, cooling down

Cream Wafers

Cream Wafer Cookies

Cream Wafers  are a little more work than most cookies, but they are worth it. They are the most requested cookies of all the ones I make. The secret is the dough, which contains no sugar. It is made from only three ingredients- flour, butter and heavy whipping cream.

When baked, they turn into flaky layers that melt in your mouth.  Seriously, if you want to really impress this holiday season, show up at a party with these cookies.

Cream wafers are coated in sugar before baking. You can use tinted sugar, if you like. Once baked and cooled, they are made into little sandwich cookies, using a buttercream frosting. You can also tint the frosting if you like.

Because they puff when baking and become thicker, and you are using two of them to make the sandwich cookie, be sure to roll them out pretty thin.

Here is the recipe. Hope you enjoy!!

Cream Wafers

1 c. butter
1/3 c. heavy whipping cream
2 c. flour
extra fine or granulated sugar
¼ c. butter, softened
¾ c. powdered sugar
1 T. milk
1 t. vanilla
food coloring, if desired

Mix butter, cream and flour well. Wrap and chill at least an hour. Roll chilled dough 1/8 inch thick on lightly floured board. Cut out into 1½ inch rounds or even little hearts or stars. Transfer cookies to a sheet of wax paper heavily coated with extra fine or granulated sugar and coat both sides. Place on an ungreased baking sheet and prick each cookie 4 times with a fork. Bake at 375-degrees 7-9 minutes until lightly browned and puffy. Cool on rack. Mix frosting ingredients. Put 2 cookies together with frosting to make “sandwiches”.

Almond Cookies

Almond Cookies

I do love these cookies. They are delicate and cake- like and the perfect finish for almost any meal. I always make them as part of my holiday cookie baking. The whole almonds  toast nicely as the cookies bake. I also like that they are easy to make. If you haven’t tried them before you might want to. I think you’ll like them as much as I do.

I used a mix of white and colored sugar to top the cookies , but you can use white sugar alone.

Here is the recipe.

 Almond Cookies

¾ c. sugar
¾ c. softened butter
1 egg
2 T. water
1 t. baking powder
1 t. almond extract
¼ t. salt
2 ½ c. flour
whole almonds, about 1/3 cup 3-4 T. extra sugar for topping

Combine all ingredients except flour and nuts and beat until smooth. Stir in flour. Shape dough into 1-inch balls and place 2” apart on lightly greased baking sheet. Dip bottom of buttered glass in sugar and use it to flatten cookies a little. Press an almond into the center of each. Bake in a 350-degree oven for 8-12 minutes. Cookies should be firm to the touch, but not brown. Makes 3-4 dozen.

Almond Cookies

Eva’s Kolachy

Eva’s Kolachy with Blueberry Filling

Over the years, I have shared many of my family recipes. This is another family recipe- but not my family. Tia Houpt found this recipe when going  through her Grandmother’s recipe collection. She was kind enough to share the recipe- and gave me permission to share it with you. Her grandmother was Eva Skero- so I have named the kolachy in Eva’s honor.

There is something special in having old family recipes. We find so many recipes online these days, we sometimes forget there was a time when recipes were handwritten. Often, they were stored in a drawer or in a shoe box. There is usually a mix of handwritten recipes and recipes cut out of newspapers and magazines.

Sometimes you just find a list of ingredients. Measurements aren’t always precise. A handful of this a pinch of that. The phrase moderately hot oven doesn’t real help, does it? And what exactly is a number 2 can? Still, there are some real gems in those collections.

This is one of those recipes. A real gem.

I have made kolachy for years and have used the recipe for the crust that my mom used. I love my mom’s recipe. I love this recipe even more.

I was intrigued that the dough contains both baking powder and yeast. I had to make it, just to see what it was like.

The dough is tender and very easy to work with. It doesn’t get chilled. You just make the dough, then roll it out and make the cookies. I did let my butter soften a little before cutting it into the flour. I could see using cold butter instead.

The dough rolled out beautifully and baked up a perfect golden brown. I had to let them cool a bit before I could taste one. I am not kidding- they were heavenly. Tender and so flaky. Tia and I both see this as a very nice tart or pie dough, too.

So here is Eva’s recipe. I hope you will give it a try. Thanks, Tia, for sharing it.

Eva’s Kolachy


3 c. flour

1 t. baking powder

½ t. salt

1 c. butter*

3 eggs

2 pkts. Yeast

½ c. warm milk


Assorted pie fillings, jams, sweetened cream cheese or ricotta cheese. You will need about three cups of filling.

In mixing bowl, combine flour with baking powder and salt. Cut  butter into flour until mixture looks like coarse crumbs. Set aside.  Place eggs in a small bowl and beat until smooth. In small bowl, dissolve yeast in warm milk. Add to egg mixture and stir to combine. Add egg mixture to flour mixture and stir until combined. If mixture is sticky add a small amount of flour. Roll dough out on floured board. Thinner the better, as this dough will puff some when baked. Cut into squares- or whatever shape you like. I did 2-inch squares. Place a spoonful of filling into center of each cookie. Fold up two of the corners and press firmly to seal. Fold over and press seam again. These like to pop open when baking, so the second fold over and pressing helps them to stay closed. Some people like to add a bit of egg wash or milk to the tops to help them seal better. I just squeeze together and fold twice.  Place cookies on an ungreased baking sheet, about an inch apart. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 20 minutes, or until golden brown. Cook on a rack. Dust cooled cookies with powdered sugar or with a powdered sugar glaze. Makes about 5-6 dozen.

*The original recipe called for shortening. Tia and  I both decided butter was better!! That is the only change we made to Eva’s original recipe.

Blueberry Pie Filling

3 1/2 c. blueberries

3/4 c. sugar, or to taste

1/4 c. cornstarch

1 c. water

1 T. lemon juice

In saucepan, bring blueberries and sugar to a boil, stirring often. Combine cornstarch with water and lemon juice and add to the blueberry mixture. Return to the boil and cook until thickened and bubbly. Makes 4 cups. You might not need the whole batch for the cookies.

Cooled and dusted with powdered sugar

This post is dedicated to Eva Skero and all the home cooks out there who lovingly kept their recipes for us to find.

Cinnamon Pecan Shortbread Cookies

Cinnamon Pecan Shortbread

It seems I am always making variations on shortbread cookies. I love shortbread. I am not alone- so many friends and family have told me the same thing. There is something about the crumbly texture of shortbread that makes them a favorite for a lot of people.

This recipe is a classic shortbread, topped with cinnamon and pecans. They are really good. You just make a batch of dough, press into a pan, top with a cinnamon – pecan mixture, and bake. Could not be simpler.

As soon as they come out of the oven cut them into little strips or squares. I got nearly 100 out of one batch. It depends on the size you cut them. If you are looking for a simple, yet wonderful cookie, you might want to try these.

  Cinnamon Pecan Shortbread Cookies

1 c. butter

1 c. sugar

1 egg, separated

2 c. flour

1 T. water

½ c. finely chopped pecans

3 T. sugar

2 t. cinnamon

Lightly grease jellyroll pan (10×15). Mix butter, sugar and egg yolk then stir in flour. Pat into pan. Beat egg white with water until frothy and spread over dough. Combine pecans, sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle  nut mixture over the dough and bake in a 350-degree oven for 20-25 minutes or until lightly browned. Cut immediately into tiny strips, makes 50- 100.

Spritz Cookies

Spritz Cookies

Spritz cookies are so fun to make. Delicate, tender and buttery, they are also so pretty. The dough is squeezed through a cookie press with different discs to produce a wide variety of shapes.

I have been making a lot of different variations of Spritz cookies in the last few days. I’ve also received a few messages from people who have issues with using their cookie presses.

Hope I can answer a few questions and make your Spritz cookies easier to create. The big problem is getting the dough to stick to the cookie sheet. There is a balance you need to get where there is enough friction to get the dough to stick, but not too much, so the cookies will release after baking.

I use silicone liners on my cookie sheets. Parchment paper works well. You can also squeeze the dough onto ungreased baking sheets. Hold the cookie press firmly down on the baking sheet. Click the ratchet once or twice and lift up. The dough, hopefully, will be on the sheet. Sometimes I can click 10 or 15 cookies with no problem, then get one that sticks. Just remove the excess dough from the end of the cookie press and start over. Little gaps or air pockets in the dough can cause that to happen.

The dough has to be soft enough to go through the press. Make the dough with room temperature butter and don’t chill the dough after mixing it. A good spritz dough should be soft, but easy to shape into a roll shape and put in the cookie press. It should not be dry or crumbly.

Within certain parameters, dough for Spritz cookies are all pretty similar. At least in that the texture is all pretty much the same. My classic recipe uses egg yolks. Some of the recipes I tried used whole eggs instead. Both variations produced tender, tasty cookies. Some have a little more or less sugar. Sweetness level is a personal preference.

You can vary them by adding different flavorings or extracts. You can’t add ingredients like nuts or chips because the dough would not go through the press. You can also tint the dough to produce colorful cookies.

So here are some of the Spritz cookies I have been making. Enjoy.

Classic Spritz Cookies

1 c. butter
1 c. sugar
3 egg yolks
2 t. vanilla
½ t. salt
2½ c. flour
In mixing bowl, beat together butter and sugar until fluffy. Beat in egg yolks. Stir in vanilla and salt. Tint dough, is desired. Add flour and stir until smooth. Using a cookie press with desired shape press cookies on to ungreased baking sheet. Leave about 1-inch between cookies. Bake in a preheated 375-degree oven for about 8-10 minutes- cookies should be a light golden color around the edges. Cool on a wire rack. Makes about 4-5 dozen.

Vanilla Spritz

1 c. butter, room temp

¾ c. sugar

1 egg

1 t. vanilla

1 t. almond extract

2¼ c. flour

½ t. salt

Mix butter and sugar until well mixed. Beat in egg and extracts. Stir flour and salt together in a medium bowl, then add to butter mixture. Mix well. Don’t chill dough. Place dough in cookie press and press dough onto parchment or silicone lined baking sheets. Bake in a preheated 350-degree oven for 8-10 minutes. Cookies should be lightly toasted on the edges. Cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes. Makes 6-7 dozen tiny cookies.

Chocolate Spritz

Make the Vanilla Spritz or Classic Spritz dough, but add 2 oz. of unsweetened chocolate (baking chocolate) melted, when you combine the butter and sugar.

Vanilla Spritz
Chocolate Spritz

Viennese Shortbread with Coffee/Cinnamon Filling

1 c. butter
½ c. powdered sugar
½ t. vanilla
2 c. flour
¼ t. baking powder

Heat oven to 375-degrees. Cream together butter, sugar and vanilla. Blend in flour and baking powder. Using flower design of cookie press to make 1- inch cookies on ungreased baking sheet. Bake about 7 minutes, or until very lightly browned. Cool and then put two cookies together with coffee filling.
Note: You can make these cookies in almost any cookie press design that is symmetrical. I have made strips, trees and stars among others. Makes about 2 dozen double cookies.

Coffee/Cinnamon Filling

2/3 c. powdered sugar
2 T. butter, softened
1 t. instant coffee dissolved in 1 t. boiling water
1 t. cinnamon
Beat all ingredients together until smooth. Add a few drops of water if too dry.

Viennese Shortbread Cookies with Coffee/Cinnamon Filling
Assorted discs for pressed cookie shapes

Peanut Butter Thumbprint Cookies

Peanut Butter Thumbprints

The combination of peanut butter and chocolate is a classic. This cookie brings those two flavors together perfectly. The cookie itself has a wonderful outer crunch, but is also tender and melts in your mouth. The addition of a dollop of chocolate finishes the cookie just right.

Of course, you could also use a spoonful of jam or jelly to fill in the cookies. Peanut butter and jelly are also a classic combo. No matter what filling you use, these thumbprint cookies are going to be a big hit.

Peanut Butter Thumbprints

1 c. butter, softened

2 c. packed light brown sugar

1 1/2 c. peanut butter (smooth or crunchy)

2 eggs

1 t. vanilla

2 1/2 c. flour

1 t. baking powder

1/2 t. baking soda

1 3/4 c. finely chopped unsalted, dry roasted peanuts

Melted chocolate, about 2 cups

In mixing bowl, cream together butter, sugar and peanut butter. Beat in eggs and vanilla. Combine flour with dry ingredients and mix into butter mixture. Stir in peanuts. Shape dough into 1-inch balls and place on ungreased baking sheets. Bake in a 350-degree oven for 8-10 minutes or until cookies are just set. Press thumb gently into the middle of each cookie and cool on rack.  Spoon about a teaspoon of melted chocolate into each cookie. Makes about 8 dozen.

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