Peach Tartlets -Vegan

Peach Tartlets

I had friends visiting from out of town earlier this year and wanted to make them a special dessert. They are vegan. I decided to make these tarts. Making them vegan wasn’t hard at all. I just used coconut oil in the crust recipe instead of butter. The crust worked out fine, although it is very crumbly. The texture after baking is amazingly tender, but I found the dough a little harder to handle than when made with butter. I would make this crust again, even if I didn’t need a vegan version.

I used homemade peach pie filling made with peaches I had. You can use store bought pie filling, but I include the recipe at the bottom of the post. The recipe makes just over 2 cups of filling. I had crust left over.

I made 24 and used a little over half of the dough recipe. Had I rolled them out a little thinner, half a recipe would be enough.

Peach Tartlets

dough for 1 pie crust- recipe follows

About 2 cups peach pie filling, room temp or chilled – recipe follows

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Roll out dough to 1/8-inch thick. Use a 2 1/2-inch biscuit cutter to cut out circles of dough. Place dough circles in mini muffin or tart pans. Press them in gently being careful not to tear them. Repeat with remaining dough and re-roll scraps. You’ll end up with about 24 dozen in all. If you don’t have enough pans, keep the extra dough circles under a towel or plastic wrap so they don’t dry out until you are ready to use them. Place a rounded teaspoonful of peach pie filling into each of the tartlet shells in the prepared pans. Don’t over fill. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown on top. Can be served hot, warm or at room temperature. Makes about 2 dozen.

Note: If I rolled the dough thinner I could have made more like 3 dozen.

Can be frozen. To reheat take straight from the freezer and place on a baking sheet. Bake in a preheated 325 degree oven and bake for about 20 minutes, but check after 15 minutes.

Flaky Pie Crust

2 c. flour

1 t. salt

3/4 c. coconut oil, chilled – you could use butter, lard or shortening

1 T. cider vinegar

4-5 T. cold water

Combine flour and salt in food processor and add coconut oil. Pulse until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Toss in vinegar and water, 1 tablespoon at a time, pulsing as you add, until dough just holds together. Remove from processor and press dough together to form a ball. Chill at least 30 minutes before using. Makes enough for 2 pie crusts or up to 48 tarts.

Peach Pie Filling

3 cups diced peaches

3/4 c. sugar

3 T. water

3 T. cornstarch

2 t. cinnamon

Heat peaches and sugar in a saucepan until bubbly. Stir to prevent sticking. Combine water and cornstarch and add to the peach mixture. Heat until thickened and bubbly. Add the cinnamon, too. If the mixture is too thin, add a little more cornstarch and water. Sometimes the peaches are extra juicy.

Ready to serve
Peach tartlets, ready to bake
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